When we say healthy weight loss, strict dieting and merciless exercise, is not under its spotlight. We strongly believe that healthy weight loss is about making you feel healthy and happy with the effort you are doing therefore delivering positive result to your body. Healthy weight loss never upholds so-called ‘celebrity secrets’ for we all know that very few of those secrets are good for long-term practice.
We appreciate your time dropping by this article and we hope that after you have read it, you will carry with you some useful tips and knowledge about Healthy Weight Loss.
Step one:
Position yourself up for Success. True success starts in the mind, and let me stress that out again “it starts in the mind”. What you think of will eventually translate into actions. You cannot expect weight loss if in your mind you are beating yourself up with negative thoughts like ‘I just can’t do it’, ‘maybe I’m destined to be fat forever’ or ‘eventually my old habits will creep back’ unconsciously you are setting yourself up for failure. That is not how you fight bad eating habits, so think of winning thoughts, be kind with yourself and feel good about the body you have right now yet accept that you needed some modification to excel your potentials furthermore.
Patience is a Virtue. We always tell our precious clients that if you want a long-term lifestyle shift you have to practice enormous amount of patience. Bad habits are not develop overnight that is why it is impossible to get rid of them instantly. What you can do is too appreciate every small achievements you made, a simple walk in the park can go a long a way. Healthy living is a never-ending journey, once you have reached your ideal weight it does not end there, it goes on and on and on. So do not be so hard on yourself if it is taking you so long to lose at least a pound each week, as long as you are losing weight and you enjoy what you are doing, that is still consider as healthy weight loss.
Step two:
Never deprive yourself with so-called ‘sinful foods’. Certainly there is no sinful foods but there is overindulging. The key is moderation. Certainly, a spoon full of ice cream will not make you fat instantly but if you overindulge, there is where the problem starts. A little bit of this and that in some days of the week will certainly keep you happy and prevent you from craving and constantly thinking of those pleasure foods.
Step three:
Remember that it’s how you eat that matters. Although what type of food you eat matters too, how you eat them might just be the key in keeping a happy relationship with food and with yourself. Foods are not enemy, they are actually essential of life, if we enjoy the company of food and we appreciate what it can bring to our overall wellness therefore we will learn to appreciate every bursting flavors it can give to our sense of taste, making us eat slowly and chew thoroughly.
Never skip breakfast. I cannot help myself but hate ‘so-called experts’ that promote skipping breakfast. Let me emphasis this for the last time ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. You cannot practice healthy lifestyle and expect healthy weight loss if you do not value the importance of breakfast, besides, there is countless experts and researchers findings that say the same value and importance of breakfast. Breakfast gives you the starting energy that you needed for the whole day of work and eating in the morning gives the body enough time to burn more calories.
Step four:
Add some splash of colors in your plate. A healthy person must have healthy plate, and for us, we identify healthy plate if it resembles the colors of the rainbow. Your plate must contain green stuff for calcium, magnesium, iron etc. it must also includes yellow, orange and purple fruits and vegetables for sweetness that will decrease your cravings for refined and process sweets. Add variety of fruits and veggies for some good old fiber and vitamins.
Step five:
Who said you should avoid carbohydrates. we actually encourage our clients to add significant amount of carbs in their diet especially if they are choosing a heavy workout sessions but be sure that you are dealing with healthy carbs. Healthy carbohydrates contain whole grains for long-lasting energy, beans, fruits and vegetables.
And oh, never forget to have some healthy lean protein and healthy fats in your diet, some major sources of both are fish, peanuts and soy products.
I hope this article has helped you a lot. Keep in touch with us here at http://www.capsiplexusa.com